If you are playing jazz or popular styles...if your bass is sluggish or stiff...if you are playing pizz and you like an elastic feel to your strings, yet a quick, punchy response and plenty of sustain...if you want a quality, reliable jazz string for a very reasonable price...if you like to set up with low action and play fast...as long as it has nothing to do with arco playing, Obligato is your string! They are fabulous and highly recommended as an excellent jazz string. They can bring out tremendous volume and power in a bass. They are great on new basses. They are wonderful with large basses! They are great with everything except arco playing. It's hard to imagine a tougher uphill road than trying to develop arco playing with Obligato strings on. In the event you are playing a lot of jazz and studying arco playing, or otherwise need a string that does both functions well, and you like the features of Obligato, consider Evah Pirazzi Weich.